Education programmes .. Science .. IT Engineering

The field

IT departments (basic sciences - software engineering and information systems -systems and computer networks- artificial intelligence)

Type of certificate

Bachelor degree

Name of certificate

Bachelor degree in Information Technology

The specialization

Information Technology

Place and address of the program

Damascus- Highway airport
Telephone: 963-11-54917808

Aims of the department

The IT faculty aims to:
  • Prepare specialists in computer engineering, especially in software engineering, information systems , computer networks and artificial intelligence, through providing them a high level of knowledge in their field of specialization.
  • Prepare students  to be ready for the development of IT field both locally and globally.
  •  Advance the scientific research and participate in contributing to scientific and technical progress in the fields of computer engineering.
  •  Develop methods of academic  research.
  • - Push forward the higher education level in its various institutions.
  • - Contribute to the training courses, and continued learning in the areas of specialized departments in the faculty.

Conditions of acceptance

  • Having a scientific baccalaureate by 2255 out of 2400 degree at least.
  • Applying to the system of the university’s acceptance

Preferable skills

  • The ability to concentrate and work under pressure.
  • Analytical  skills.
  • Math skills
  • Statistical analysis skill.
  • Communication skills

Length of study

Five years

Language of study



All the subjects are obligatory to be studied.

Sectors of careers that are worked in

Research laboratories- High-tech manufacturing firms- Designing, developing, and testing computer systems.

Pursuing academic study

Master and doctorate in postgraduates studies.

Course description

1 Operations Research Operations Research is a very important area of study, which tracks its roots to businessapplications. It combines the three broad disciplines of Mathematics, Computer Science, andBusiness Applications. This course will formally develop the ideas of developing, analyzing, and validating mathematical models for decision problems, and their systematic solution. Thecourse will involve programming and mathematical analysis.
2 Mathematics This courses will give knowledge of Matrices and its applications the trigonometry, the concepts of Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus and their simple applications.
To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering.
Also knowledge of Fourier series, solve Partial differential equations.
Familiar with Laplace transform, Z transform and Fourier transform
3 Communication skills Course focuses on instructional strategies and practices to develop the written, verbal, non-verbal, and technical communication skills.
Also examines the culture and dynamics of communication
Foci will include: process writing; writing in all areas of the curriculum; communicationassessment; communicating with technology; and how to guide learner in asking critical questions.
4 Digital Logic Circuit Design Boolean algebra and number systems.
Combinational and sequential circuits. Realization of logic blocks with standard integrated circuit packages. Design of counters, dividers, registers, arithmetic logic units and algorithmic state machines.
5 Statics This course provides an introduction to statistics. The course attempts to connect statistical concepts tostudents’ lives, helping them to think critically and make better decisions to become smart IT specialists.
The course will cover discrete populations, samples, organization of data, measures of central tendencyand dispersion, probability, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis, etc.
6 Electric and electronic circuits Introduction to theory, analysis and design of electric circuits. Voltage, current, power, energy, resistance, capacitance, inductance. Kirchhoff's laws node analysis.
Basic logic gates. Boolean functions realization using logic gates, half & full adder, subtractors, coders, decoders, multiplexer, & de-multiplexers & their applications, Comparators.
And Concept of forbidden gap, Insulator, Metals and Semiconductor.
7 physics The purpose of this course is to develop scientific temper and analytical capability through learning physical concepts and their applications in engineering and technology. Comprehension of some basic physical concepts will enable the students to logically solve engineering problems
8 economy & business management Introduction to management&basic concepts of management
Also this course will cover Organizational structure , information and decision-making systems in organization , basics elements in human resources management , introduction to economics , basic concepts of economics , main theories in economics , some techniques usually used in economics analysis and financial masters and new trends in economics.
9 Project Management This course provides introduction to the contemporary IT project management methods. It will givestudents an understanding of the most common processes, tools, techniques, and theories that arerequired to successfully manage an IT project. Topics include: project integration management, project timemanagement, project scope management, project quality management, project human resourcemanagement, project communications management, project risk management, project procurementmanagement, project initiation, project planning, project execution, project control and project closing
10 Principles of Marketing This course examines an introduction to the key principles and practices involved inmarketing in the modern business world, with particular reference to product planningand development, pricing, distribution and the promotion of goods and services, andconsumer behavior. There will be a discussion on marketing ethics and a study on marketingresearch.
11 Programing Basic concepts of Computers, Basic C++ & Pascal Concepts
Introduction to C++& Pascal: Basic Programming concepts, Program structure in C++& Pascal, Variables and Constants, Data types, Conditional statements, control statements, Functions, Arrays, Structures, Introduction to pointers, introduction to File Systems.
12 Algorithms and data structres In this course, the student learns to write and apply, to real programming problems, the classical data structures and algorithms from computer science, such as searching and sorting algorithms, stacks, queues, linked lists and trees. Algorithm efficiency, encryption algorithms, randomized algorithms.
13 Databases Design and Managment This course is an introduction to the database management systems and will provide acomprehensive foundation for designing, building, and working with relational databases. Thecourse will focus on implementation, environment, database architectures, database system lifecycle, and security and administration of databases.
The course will also discuss entity relationship modeling which will be enhanced with normalization in order to eliminate or reduceanomalies in the design.
14 Advanced databases managment This course introduces the advanced topics in database design and management and focuses towards distributed database management systems. It discusses transaction management, multi-user access using concurrency and serializability, query processing and query optimization, and tuning operational database.
The course also introduces the basic concepts and design of data warehouse, online analytical processing, and data mining.
15 Object Oriented Programming Using JAVA This subject introduces students to object oriented programming concepts. Students will learn to build reusable objects, making use of encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance in the JAVAprogramming language. Throughout the subject, the emphasis will be on using object oriented approaches to solving problems.
16 Software Engineering Overview of System Analysis &Design, Business System Concept, System Development Life Cycle, Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Feasibility Analysis, Technical Feasibility, Cost- Benefit Analysis, Design related issues and User Interface.
17 THEORY OF AUTOMATA AND FORMAL LANGUAGES Introduction; Alphabets, Strings and Languages; Automata and Grammars, Deterministic finiteAutomata (DFA)-Formal Definition, Simplified notation: State transition graph, Transition table, Language of DFA, Nondeterministic finite Automata (NFA), NFA with epsilon transit ion, Language of NFA, Equi valence of NFA and DFA, Minimization of Finite Automata, Distinguishing one string from other, Myhill-Nerode Theorem
18 Graphics This course teaches students computer graphics techniques in 2D and 3D using OpenGL. The student willlearn fundamental concepts of computer graphics including graphics hardware. The topics to be coveredare: overview of the graphics process; viewing and projection; principles of modeling; implementingmodeling in OpenGL; mathematics for modeling; color and blending; lighting and shading; texture mapping; rendering; interpolation and spline modeling; ray casting and ray tracing; fractal graphics. Students will alsolearn how to generate animated graphics images with OpenGL.
19 Multimedia Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Information, Multimedia Objects, Multimedia inbusiness and work. Convergence of Computer, Communication and Entertainment products.
This course will cover Multimedia Building Blocks ,Data Compression , Speech Compression & Synthesis and Images.
20 Compiler Design Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Finite state machines and regularexpressions and their applications to lexical analysis , Basic Parsing Techniques ,  Syntax-directed Translation , Symbol Tables and Code Generation.
21 Information Systems Engineering Information systems provide a primary source of information for industrial engineers. Thiscourse introduces to students to information systems. Students will also learn about the designand implementation of information systems.
22 Information Retrieval In this course, you will learn the underlying technologies of search engines  and other powerful tools for accessing andmining text information. You will be able to learn the basic principles and algorithms for information retrieval as well as obtainhands-on experience with using existing information retrieval toolkits to set up your own search engines and improving theirsearch accuracy.
23 Web applications Introduction to web, protocols governing the web, web development strategies, web applications, web project, web team.Also covers HTML: list, table, images, frames, forms, CSS,Java script, active server pages (ASP), ASP.NET and java server pages (JSP).
24 parallel Programming The course treats the core concepts and techniques for concurrent (process-oriented and multithreaded) programming. This forms the basis for operating systems, reactive and real-time systems, distributed and multi-processor systems. It also provides an overview of principles of distributed and parallel programming. The course is intended to give you knowledge and skills in process-oriented programming.
25 Distributed systems and applications This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the wide area in cooperative distributed computing.  The course emphasizes both the theoretical and implementation aspects. The theoretical component includes lectures, forum sessions, and technical reaction papers based on reference books and papers. This component will focus on the foundation of cooperative distributed systems engineering and the supporting technologies with a special attention to agent-oriented paradigm, service-oriented computing and grid computing. The implementation component includes a term-project. In addition to the hands-on experience, students will examine how theoretical concepts are actually realized by studying several applications of cooperative distributed systems in various domains.
26 Neural Networks This course will cover Neurocomputing and Neuroscience,Historical notes, human Brain, neuron Mode l, Knowledge representation, Al and NN. Learning process for Supervised and unsuperv ised learning,Data processing, Multilayered network architecture, Multilayered network architecture.
27 Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Foundations and History of ArtificialIntelligence, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Structure of IntelligentAgents. Computer vision, Natural Language Possessing.
Also will cover Introduction to Search, Knowledge Representation & Reasoning, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition.
28 Natural Language Processing Introduction to Natural Language Understanding: The study of Language, Applications of NLP, Evaluating Language Understanding Systems, Different levels of Language Analysis.
And Introduction to semantics and knowledge representation, Grammars and Parsing and Ambiguity Resolution.
29 Operatin            Systems This course will coverIntroduction to Operating system and functions, Classification of Operating systems I/O Management and Disk Scheduling , Process Concept, Principle of Concurrency  ,CPU Scheduling   ,Memory Management ,  I/O devices, and I/O subsystems, I/O buffering, Disk storage and disk scheduling and RAID.
30 Information Systems Security The primary goal of this course is to present a system and management view of informationsecurity: what it is, what drives the requirements for information security, how to integrate itinto the systems design process, and life cycle security management of information systems.
This course will not be about the technologies of information security, but how those technologies are integrated into a system and managed. A broad (but not detailed) knowledge of information security technologies is assumed: cryptography (public key and symmetric key), firewalls, IDS, viruses/virus detection, access control, etc.
31 Network Security This course discusses advanced concepts in information and network security. The course is designedto provide students with the fundamental skills needed to analyze the security threats against anenterprise network, and to develop strategies that will protect an organization’s informationrepository. The course covers the information protection techniques deployed in enterprisenetworks such as VPNs, firewalls, biometrics, and content filtering.
32 Distributed systems and applications This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the wide area in cooperative distributed computing.  The course emphasizes both the theoretical and implementation aspects. The theoretical component includes lectures, forum sessions, and technical reaction papers based on reference books and papers. This component will focus on the foundation of cooperative distributed systems engineering and the supporting technologies with a special attention to agent-oriented paradigm, service-oriented computing and grid computing. The implementation component includes a term-project. In addition to the hands-on experience, students will examine how theoretical concepts are actually realized by studying several applications of cooperative distributed systems in various domains.
33 Modeling & Simulation Concept of Simulation, System, Model, Types of Model, Univariat & MultivariatModels, Deterministic & Stochastic models, Continuous & Discreet Models, Analog&Digital Simulation, Real Time Simulation, Hybrid Simulation, Advantages & Limitationsof Simulation, Steps in Simulation Study
34 Real-Time Systems Real-time applications such as factory automation, avionics and remote sensing are distinguished by the fact that their functional semantic is coupled with temporal correctness. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of embedded computers in such real-time systems. This course provides a broad introduction to real time systems and their programming. Covered topics include time management, language and tool support, real time operating systems, scheduling and communication, and related fault tolerance issues.