Jobs .. Science .. Information security analysts
Education programmes of job
IT Engineering

Nature of work

Information security analyst, web developer, and computer network architect all use information technology (IT) to advance their organization’s goals. A Security analyst ensures a firm’s information stays safe from cyber attacks.

An information security analyst plans and carries out security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems. His/her responsibilities are continually expanding as the number of cyber attacks increase. An information security analyst must continually adapt to stay a step ahead of cyber attackers. He/she must stay up to date with the latest methods attackers are using to infiltrate computer systems and with IT security. An analyst needs to research new security technology to decide what will most effectively protect his/her organization. This may involve attending cyber security conferences to hear firsthand accounts of other professionals who have experienced new types of attacks.

An IT security analyst creates his/her organization’s disaster recovery plan and a procedure that IT employees follow in case of emergency. The plan lets an organization’s IT department continue functioning. It includes preventative measures such as regularly copying and transferring data to an offsite location.


Environment of work

  • الطلب على خبراء أمن المعلومات هو بالواقع كبير,فالهجمات الإلكترونية (الفيروسات) تتزايد بإستمرار وبشكل معقد خلال السنوات الأخيرة والعديد من المؤسسات ليس بمقدورها إكتشاف هذه الهجمات سريعا ًوهنا يأتي دور الخبراء يإبتكار الطرق والوسائل لمنع المقرصنين من سرقة معلومات غاية في الأهمية والتسلل على الشبكات الحاسوبية.
  • أتساع رقعة الإستقطاب لخبراء أمن المعلومات فهم مؤهلين للحصول على فرص أفضل في حال توافر خبرة عملية لديهم,مثال: بعض المتقدمين ممن يملكون خبرة في ادارة قواعد البيانات مؤهلين للقبول بالعمل في أمن قواعد البيانات من أولئك الذين لايملكون الخبرة العملية بذلك.
  • يتراوح الراتب المبدئي للموظف ب 65000 ل.س فضلا ًعن الحوافز أو المكافئات.

Professional life

Cyber attacks have grown in frequency and sophistication over the last few years, so many organizations are behind their ability to detect these attacks. An analyst will be needed to come up to date  with innovative ways to prevent hackers from stealing critical information or creating havoc on computer networks.

Prospects of information security analysts should be good. Information security analysts with related work experience will have the best opportunities. For example, an applicant with experience as a database administrator would have better prospects in database security than someone without that experience.


Range of typical starting salaries: 35000 SYP plus potential bonuses.


Getting the job

Information security analyst usually needs at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, programming, or a related field. As information security continues to develop as a career field, many schools are responding with information security programs to prepare students for the job. These programs may become a common path for entry into the occupation.

Employers of information security analysts sometimes prefer applicants who have a Master in Business Administration (MBA) in information systems. Programs offering the MBA in information systems generally require two years of study beyond the undergraduate level and include both business and computer-related courses.

An information security analyst generally need to have previous experience in a related occupation. Many employers look for people who have already worked in fields related to the one in which they are hiring. For example, if the job opening is in database security, they may look for a database administrator. If they are hiring in systems security, a computer systems analyst may be an ideal candidate.


Analytical skills: Information security analyst must carefully examine computer systems and networks to determine if they have been compromised. A computer network architect has to examine data networks and decide how to best connect the networks based on the needs and resources of the organization.
Detail oriented: Because cyber attacks is difficult to be detected, an information security analyst pays careful attention to his/her computer systems and watches for minor changes in performance. A computer network architect creates comprehensive plans of the networks he/she is creating with precise information describing how the network parts will work together. When web developers write in HTML, a minor error could cause an entire webpage to stop working.
Ingenuity: An Information security analyst tries to outthink cybercriminals and invents new ways to protect his/her organization’s computer systems and networks.
Problem-solving skills: An information security analyst uncovers and fixes flaws in computer systems and networks.
Teamwork: Workers in all three of these occupations must be able to work with different types of employees to accomplish their goals


Sources and references

If you need any further information on what is included in this file, you can visit the following websites:,

  Arab Standard Classification of Occupations, 2008, Ed. Arab Labor Organization.


An information security analyst uses information technology (IT) to advance his/her organization’s goals. A security analyst ensures a firm’s information stays safe from cyber attacks. An information security analyst is responsible for protecting an organization's digital information and computer networks. Depending on his/her area of specialty, he/she may work on safeguarding an organization's network, digital files, user accounts, or other sensitive information.